58th Annual Melbourne Hamfest and ARRL Florida State Convention

October 13, 2023 1PM-7PM
October 14, 2023 9AM-3PM
PCARS is proud to announce Chatt Radio will be our main Hamfest vendor this year! We are excited to have Jim & his team join us at the Hamfest this year. Stay tuned here for updates & further info as it becomes available.
********IMPORTANT NOTICE******
In complying with the City of Melbourne & the Melbourne Auditorium, ONLY Service Animals, with proper labeling as such, will be allowed into the Hamfest. PLEASE leave your pet at home if they are not a Service Animal. PCARS thanks you in advance for your cooperation !!
Melbourne Auditorium
625 E Hibiscus Blvd
Melbourne, FL 32901
Click on each section below to expand.
Hours & Admission Tickets
- This is a Friday & Saturday event.
- Open to general attendees Friday 13:00 to 19:00, and Saturday 09:00 to 15:00 local.
- Vendors and tailgaters can setup starting 2 hours before general opening.
- Adult admission is $10, and covers both days. No charge for children 12 and under.
Over 150 Indoor Vendor Tables
Inside vendor tables are available for $25 each and are discounted for more than four tables. Check the auditorium layout for table locations. Complete the vendor reservation form. If you request the same location as last year, we will try to accommodate. Otherwise, choose a table. Admission tickets are required with a table. Products offered must be radio or electronics related.
Large Outdoor Tailgate Area
Tailgate area parking spots are $15 each. This year you can reserve a particular parking spot from the tailgate parking area layout, otherwise, you will be assigned a parking place at arrival. Complete the tailgate reservation form. Note that admission tickets are also required.
Commercial Vendors
- Main Hamfest vendor – Chatt Radio / supplier of the Grand & 3rd Prizes
- Paradan Radio
- BCI Communications
- Orlando HamCation
- B&M Distributors, LLC
- Satellite TV Headquarters
- Pro Electronics Repair of Brandton, Inc
- Heath LLC
- TAS Technology
- MRAM Electronic Surplus
- Tedco Electronics
- Computer and Telecom Recycling Service
- Ham Radio Supply
- K2HVH Enclosures
- Linuxslate
- Panik’s Electronics n Supply, Inc
- Press Man Estate Sale
PCARS Consignment Table
The world famous PCARS Consignment Table has super bargains on radios, accessories, and more, If you have a few items to sell, you may place them on our table. We will sell them for your stated price range and keep a small donation. Please fill out the consignment form in advance, and bring it with your items. You may also donate items to our club and get a receipt for tax purposes.
Forums and Presentations
This year’s Forums list is up to date!! See the posted forum schedule for more.
Amateur License Exam
Preregistration is required, follow the link below.
Administered by the PCARS ARRL-VEC team.
Amateur Exams are at 10AM on Saturday. Cost is $15.00 (Cash Only)
Grand and Hourly Prize Drawings
- Grand prize drawing at 14:00 on Saturday. You need not be present to win.
- For hourly prize drawings you must be present to claim your prize.
Grand Prize List
1st Prize – Yaesu HF/6 Meter Transceiver FT710 AESS
2nd Prize – Bird Wattmeter with with gift certificate for 1 slug
3rd Prize – Yaesu VHF/UHF/Fusion capable Mobile Transceiver FTM-300DR
Hourly Prizes Include
- Check Back for hourly Prize information
Nearby Hotels and Camping

- Plenty of FREE Parking
- Snack Bar Food and Drinks (debit, credit, or small bills please)
- DXCC QSL Card Checking on Site
- Special Event HF Station W4MLB/58 on Site
- New State-of-the-Art Surveillance System in Auditorium
For more information, or to submit forms, email: Hamfest committee
Postal address: PCARS Hamfest, PO Box 1004, Melbourne, FL 32902-1004
Get the PDF flyer to print or share.
Location Map
The PCARS Melbourne Hamfest Committee reserves the right to determine the suitability of any material displayed or offered for sale.