PCARS — The Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Society is a private club and Florida non-profit corporation for and by radio amateurs. For over 55 years PCARS has been the premier amateur radio club in central and southern Brevard County. There is a lot more information in the About section of this website. There is also valuable information for anyone interested in amateur radio, no matter what their experience level.
60th Annual Melbourne Hamfest awarded the 2025 ARRL State Convention

The annual Melbourne Hamfest, which is celebrating 60 years as a Florida tradition, has been awarded the ARRL State Convention for 2025. The Hamfest will take place October 10th & 11th, 2025, at the Melbourne Auditorium. Come celebrate our Diamond Anniversary with us!! More details to follow, so stay tuned!

General / Extra Classes starting soon!!!!
PCARS Education Chairman Bob Luken W3RDL will be teaching a General and Extra License class at the Melbourne Fire Training Facility classroom, starting on Saturday March 8, 2025, 9:30AM. The sessions will also be on Zoom for people that cannot make the class and also recorded on YouTube. The class will end the Saturday before the Laurel exam at the Suntree/Viera Library,
This is your chance to upgrade, if you have sitting on Tech or General for a while. Please take advantage of the class Bob is offering here. Please drop Bob a line at .
SKYWARN Recognition Weekend held at the Melbourne FL National Weather Service Office
The annual SKYWARN Recognition day was held at the local National Weather Service Office in Melbourne FL on December 6th-7th, 2024. PCARS was the host club sponsoring the event.
Led by PCARS SKYWARN Chairman AK4MI, the team assembled an awesome station, that ran continuous from Friday night to Saturday night. Several PCARS members operated in the even & also some members from out of town clubs. The station netted over 600 contacts for the weekend. Everyone had a great time!!

KD8AN’s Crank Up Tower in place, ready to lift up the A3S
L-R: KX4NM, K5LD & KK4ZWC AK4MI at the mic N0JAM W4DM
PCARS End of Year Holiday Event held at the VFW Hall
The PCARS annual End of Year Holiday Party was held at the club’s meeting place on December 13th, 2024. There was lots of food, great company & conversation!

Every Friday is PCARS’s lunch at Crystal’s Buffett on the corner of 192 & Wickham Road. We meet there every Friday @ 11AM. We can have 5-6 people or as many as 20. Come join in conversations on various topics, talking about the latest rigs available, stations, antennas, etc. & other technical things. All are welcome!!