Welcome to PCARS

The Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Society (PCARS) is located on the central east coast of Florida in the city of Melbourne. PCARS has been in existence for over 55 years and has more than 160 members.

New PCARS Website

The new website has been live for about two years and is now consider the PCARS official website.  For now this site will remain online, until the Board decide to archive it. Most of the old site will still be available as an archive, but may not be up-to-date. For the latest up-to-date information pertaining to PCARS visit the official website linkede below.

Visit the NEW PCARS website!

PCARS Monthly Meetings

PCARS club meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month. Coffee, cookies, and cake socializing starts at 6:45pm followed by the program at 7:00pm. Club business is conducted immediately following the presentation of the program. All licensed amateur radio operators and other interested parties are invited to attend.

PCARS meetings are held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) facility located at 3201 Dairy Road in Melbourne. The VFW building is painted bright blue and there is a tall large diameter flag pole at the rear of the facility. Parking on the grass is ample, just be careful not to park on the large mound that covers a former septic tank!

You can get to the VFW from US192 by driving south on Dairy Road for 1.2 miles (the VFW is on your left), or from Palm Bay Road by driving north on Dairy Road for 1.8 miles (the VFW is on your right).


Test Site Location and Additional Testing Information

The PCARS class is free...

PCARS Quarterly Tailgates

For more information, see the Tailgate webpage.

Are you interested in working Amateur Satellites? You can get started with just a little equipment and any Amateur Radio license.

Follow this link to the

PCARS Weather Net

Excellent storage for our radio equipment is provided by:
Midgard Self Storage
575 N Apollo Blvd Melbourne, FL 32935