A Florida Nonprofit Corporation
March 25, 2003
ARTICLE I - Introduction
1. Definition of By-Laws - These bylaws constitute the code
of rules adopted by the Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Society, Inc. for
regulation and management of its affairs.
2. Parliamentary Authority - The rules contained in the
current edition of Robert’s Rules of
Order Newly Revised shall govern the corporation in all cases to which they
are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any
special rules of order the corporation may adopt.
1. Classes of Membership - There shall be four (4) classes
of membership in the corporation:
A. Regular
Members - Any person that holds a valid amateur radio license and supports the
stated goals of the corporation may become a regular member. Only regular
members shall have the privileges of voting, holding office, and chairing
B. Life Members - Life members are regular members for life
and shall have the same privileges and requirements, with the exception of dues
payments, thereof. Life membership is in recognition of regular members who
have contributed to the corporation in an outstanding manner. Life members
shall be nominated by the board of directors and confirmed by the membership.
Only one life member may be elected each year
C. Associate Members - Any person that supports the stated
goals of the corporation may become an associate member.
D. Honorary Members - All honorary members shall be
nominated by the board of directors and confirmed by the membership. Only one
honorary member may be elected each year. There shall be no dues charged to
honorary members.
2. Members Dues
A. The annual dues payable to the corporation by the members
will be in such amounts as determined by resolution of the board of directors.
B. Dues not paid within thirty (30) days of the annual
meeting shall be delinquent and membership shall be automatically canceled.
C. Persons in the same immediate family as a regular member
may also become or retain their regular membership at one-half the dues of a
regular member.
D. Annual dues of new members will be pro-rated on a monthly
basis from the first day of the month in which such member is entering.
E. If membership of any member ceases, either voluntarily or
involuntarily, no refund of fees or dues shall be made.
F. A person who’s membership has bee canceled for
non-payment of dues may rejoin by paying full dues for the current year.
3. Cancellation of Membership - Membership in this
corporation may be canceled voluntarily by the member, involuntarily by the
corporation for non-payment of dues, or for cause. Cancellation of membership
for cause may be initiated by submission to the secretary of a petition signed
by at least five (5) regular members.
4. Reinstatement of Membership Canceled for Cause - Any
person who's membership has been canceled for cause may petition the board of
directors for reinstatement no more than once every two (2) years. Said
petition shall be signed by at least five (5) regular members of the
corporation. The payment of any delinquent dues and an appropriately adopted
resolution of the board of directors shall reinstate the petitioner's
1. Number of Officers - The officers of the corporation
shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Custodian and
Hamfest Chairman.
2. Qualification of Officers - Each officer must be a regular
member of the corporation. No member may serve more than two (2) consecutive
terms in the same office with the exception of the Hamfest Chairman.
3. Term of Office and Election of Officers - Officers shall
serve for one (1) year, or until a successor is elected, and shall be elected
by ballot at the annual meeting.
4. Powers and Duties of Officers -
A. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these
by-laws and the parliamentary authority adopted by the corporation.
B. President - The president shall be the chief executive
officer and chairman of the board of directors of the corporation. The
president shall appoint all committees except the audit committee and shall
serve as a member ex-officio of same, with the exception of the nominating and
audit comities.
C. Vice-President - The vice-president shall in the event of
the death, resignation, or inability of any other officer temporarily assume
the duties of that office until a successor is named or the inability is
resolved. The vice-president shall also arrange for programs at regular
meetings whenever possible.
D. Secretary - The secretary shall keep the official record
book of the corporation which shall be an accurate and permanent record of all
business transacted by the corporation.
E. Treasurer - The treasurer shall receive all funds,
deposit and keep them in a financial institution selected by the board of
directors. The treasurer shall serve without bond. At least quarterly a
detailed statement of receipts, expenditures, funds on deposit, and petty cash
shall be submitted to the board of directors.
F. Custodian - The custodian shall be responsible for the
storage, maintenance and care of all equipment owned by the corporation The custodian shall approve all repairs and modifications
to corporation owned equipment. The custodian shall keep a record, including
the location, of all equipment and assets of the corporation.
G. Hamfest Chairman - The hamfest chairman shall, manage,
control, and direct the Melbourne hamfest. The hamfest chairman shall chair the
hamfest committee.
Board of Directors
1. Number of Directors - The Board of Directors shall be
composed as follows:
A. The officers of the corporation as listed in Article III
Section 1 of these bylaws;
B. The past-president;
C. Four (4) Members-at-Large.
2. Qualification of Directors - Each director must be a
regular member of the corporation. No member may hold more than one (1)
position on the board of directors at any time.
3. Length of Term and Election of Members-at-Large - Two
members-at-large shall be elected by ballot at each annual meeting to serve for
two (2) years, or until a successor is elected. In the event a quorum of
directors no longer exists a special election shall be held. A member-at-large
elected by a special election shall serve until the annual meeting.
4. Meetings of the Board of Directors - The board of
directors shall meet at least quarterly and report to the general membership as
to the result of these meetings. The board shall meet at the call of the
president or upon the call of at least three (3) members of the board. The
meetings of the board must be held in Brevard County, Florida. Meetings of the
board are open to all members of the corporation, non-members may attend by
invitation of the President or resolution of the Board.
5. Notice of Directors Meetings - Written notice stating the
place, day and hour of any meeting of the board of directors shall be sent to
each director not less than ten (10) days before the date of such meeting.
6. Quorum of Directors - Fifty percent (50%) of the
directors, but never less than four (4) directors, shall constitute a quorum.
7. Powers and Duties of Directors - The powers and duties of
the board of directors are as follows:
A. To have complete supervision and control over the policies, operation
and affairs of the corporation;
B. To make recommendations to the corporate membership;
C. To fill vacancies in the board of directors;
D. To cause the financial records of the corporation to be
audited, by appointing the auditing committee;
E. To authorize and file tax returns on behalf of the
F. To adopt an annual budget and to present it to the
general membership at the regular meeting held during the month of March of
each year;
G. To authorize any single expenditure of money up to
$1000.00 without prior approval of the membership; and
H. To have such other powers and duties as are specified in
the Articles of Incorporation, these By-Laws, or as required in order to direct
the activities of the Corporation.
1. Regular Meetings - The regular meetings of the
corporation shall be held on the second Monday of each month.
2. Annual Meeting - The regular meeting held in January
shall be the annual meeting of the corporation.
3. Special Meetings - Special meetings may be called by the
signed request of five (5) regular members. Only business specified in the call
may be transacted at a special meeting. Written notice containing the place, time,
and specific business to be transacted shall be sent to all regular members at
least ten (10) days prior to the date of the special meeting. Notice shall be
effective when sent to an address contained in the corporate roster.
4. Quorum of Members - 15% of all regular members shall
constitute a quorum.
Major Business
1. Notice shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to
consideration of any item defined as major business. In addition to the methods
of notice authorized by the parliamentary authority publication in the
corporation’s electronic newsletter shall constitute notice.
2. The board of directors shall evaluate all items of major
business for feasability, financial impact, and good of the corporation.
3. All items of major business require a two-thirds vote for
4. Major
business is defined as:
A. Cancellation of membership for cause;
B. Removal of an officer or director;
C. Expenditures greater than $500.00;
D. Confirmation of life or honorary membership;
E. Amendments to these bylaws; and
Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation.
1. Appointment - All committees, with the exception of the
auditing committee, shall be appointed by the president.
2. Standing
Committees - The standing Committees shall be:
A. Auditing Committee - An auditing committee, consisting of
two (2) members-at-large of the board of directors and one (1) regular member
of the corporation not serving on the board of directors, shall be appointed no
later than the end of November by the board of directors. It shall be the duty
of this committee to audit the accounts and financial records of the
corporation at the end of the calendar year and report at the annual meeting.
B. Technical Committee - It shall be the duty of this
committee to establish standards for the operation and maintenance of
corporation-owned equipment.
C. Sunshine Committee This committee shall maintain contact
with members and their families who are sick or saddened by death, and express
the concern of the membership. D.
Hamfest Committee - The Hamfest Committee is responsible for assisting the
hamfest chairman in the execution of a successful hamfest. The hamfest chairman
shall chair the committee. The committee shall submit a final report, including
finances and recommendations, to the membership at the October meeting.
E. Emergency Committee - An emergency committee shall ensure
that the corporation can provide a pool of skilled radio operators in the event
of an emergency by developing appropriate plans, conducting drills, public
service events, and related activities.
F. Education Committee - The education committee shall be
responsible for conducting amateur radio classes for the interested public and
license upgrade classes for members of the corporation.
G. Nominating Committee - A nominating committee, of three
(3) members, shall be appointed during November each year. It shall be the duty
of this committee to carefully screen the membership of the corporation for
qualified candidates for the offices to be filled.
3. Special Committees - Special committees may be appointed as necessary to carry out the work of the corporation.
1. Fiscal Year - The fiscal year of this corporation shall
begin on March 1st and end on the last day of February.
2. Non-Profit Operations and Compensating - This corporation
will not have or issue shares and stocks. No dividends will be paid, and no
part of the income of this corporation will be distributed to its members,
directors, or officers. However, the corporation may pay compensation in a
reasonable amount to members, officers or directors for services rendered.
3. Loans - This corporation shall not borrow money unless
such loans are first approved by two thirds of the regular members of the
4. General - The corporation shall at all times be governed
by the following limitations:
A. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation
shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence
legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in
(including the publishing or distribution of statements) a political campaign
on behalf of any candidate for public office.
B. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Articles of
Incorporation, this corporation shall not, except to an insubstantial degree,
engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of
the purposes of this corporation.
1. Procedure - These bylaws may be amended through the
following procedure:
A. A petition containing the proposed amendment or revision
signed by five (5) regular members is submitted to the secretary.
B. The petition is read to the membership and the complete
text of the amendment or revision is made available at the next regular
C. Following the reading of the petition consideration of
the amendment shall be postponed to and made a special order of a subsequent
2. Vote Required for Adoption - A vote of two-thirds of the
members present shall be required for adoption of amendments to these bylaws.